Terahertz Charged Water, How it can Help our Body

Terahertz water can significantly improve the human body blood circulation system. Effectively increase the water content of cells and the efficiency of communication between cells. It can then easily activate and repair damaged cells.

Terahertz water converts water with a cluster state into water with a linear stage, which increases the energy of the water. And it is easier to neutralize free radicals and balance the pH of the body.

Terahertz & Water has same Frequency
Terahertz Water Science

Functional water like Terahertz infused water helps our health

Increase cell absorbtion of water

Advantages of drinking Terahertz water everyday
1) Water structure becomes linear straight line for better cell absoption
2) 3 Anti
a) Anti Oxidant
b) Anti Bacteria
c) Anti Radiation
3) 2 Lows
a) Low Viscosity
b) Low Resonance

Anti Radiation explained

Anti Bacteria explained

Low viscosity improves blood vessels, cell absortion, better taste & improves blood circulation

Dissolves toxins, Eliminate waste, Wash the cells

Cells gets hydrated quickly helping the heart & brain

Did you know that our brainwave 7.8 Hertz?

Did you that the Earth's frequency is 7.8 Hertz?
Note the different frequency of water on the graph.

Terahertz infused water will now have a 7.6 Hertz
Tap water has 117 Hertz

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