Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Iteracare Device & Healthy Terahertz Frequency Wave
Is the Iteracare Device insured for safety?

Prife International & De Shang the maker of Iteracare Device is confident of the safety of product that they are happy to apply a 1million dollar Indemnity Insurance to any users of iTeraCare Device worldwide.
How Safe is Terahertz Wave?
Terahertz Wave is very safe to use by humans, animals and even plants. One characteristic of Terahertz Wave is that its non ionizing, meaning it does not damage the tissues and does not alter DNA (unlike Xrays). Terahertz is also zero radiation. Did you know that the normal hair blower produce more harmful radiation, the electric water kettle, extension cords and our well loved cellphones. There are many videos of Iteracare Devices subjected to various EMF testers and it shows zero.
Iteraca Classic and Itera Pro was launched to the public since 2021, there are people who are using this Terahertz device everyday for health and they had no complaints but just praises on how it had helped them.
What is the Terahertz Frequency found in the ElectroMagnetic Spectrum (EMS)?
Terahertz (THz) is a unit of measure of frequency that is equal to 1 trillion hertz (1012 Hz). It usually refers to the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, which is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) that exist in the Universe, yet invisible to the naked eye that lies in between the microwave and the infrared range.
What does Terahertz is 'Non Ionizing' means?
Non-ionizing means it does no damage to living tissue, human, animal or even plant DNA. Thats why THz also holds great promise in Medical Imagery because of its non invasive (beam remotely, at distance) nature.
The safe Imagery Scan of boarding passengers in modern airports uses Terahertz Technology. China & Chinese Companies are the leading suppliers of these high tech security machines.
What is the goal of Deshang Technology?
To improve Healthcare in all families worldwide thru Terahertz Technology. An Iteracare device in every home worldwide.
Who makes the quality Iteracare Terahertz Device?
Deshang Technology Company Limited
Deshang Technology is a scientific and technological research and development enterprise are based in Jiangsu, China. Terahertz technology and R&D is its core expertise. It is committed to the global promotion and application of terahertz technology, and advocates the use of this futuristic terahertz technology to play a role in the health industry to improve the quality of life in the world.
Can China in 2022 make products of high quality & Technology?
Absolutely. Here is a list of 7 Best Selling Quality Products Manufactured in China in which they excel.
• Mobile Phones. 95% of high quality Apple products like iPhone are made in Zengzhou, China. Also other companies smartphones, laptop, tablets and other devices.
• Machinery.
• Computers. China builts superfast computers that can rival those in the world. The now famous and leader in drone market, the DJI drones are also made in China.
• Air Conditioners.
• Shoes.
• Apparels.
• Solar Cells. China is a global leader in efficient solar cell panels and battery technology.
There are millions of manufacturers in China. Manufacturing products from their own backyard to factories and in big industrial zones are signs of a vibrant economy.
How does Terahertz Frequency react to water?
Water molecules vibrations comprise a range of frequencies in the THz range, so when wave of a specific frequency hits a water molecule vibrating in that same frequency or resonance it causes them to absorb the natural Wave.
How many hours can i keep & drink the 5-8liters (a pitcher) of Terahertz Wanded water?
No expiry as it will always remain charged, but its always good to drink fresh water, just charge the water again with the Terahertz Wand, you can water your home plants with the leftovers, or give the water to your pets to drink. Always better to infused a newly made batch of Terahertz Water for your family.
Use glass or ceramic containers only when beaming Terahertz as it doesnt seep in chemicals like plastics and is non reactive.
How many minutes should i wand an average glass of water?
1minute is enough for a glass of water, tea and coffee to become Terahertz infused. More minutes is better but is not required. Terahertz is easily absorbed by water as part of its natural characteristic.
I saw Terahertz Stone online, What is it?
Terahertz stone is a man-made stone that was first synthesized by Japanese scientists. It is made up of silica and is formed by extracting quartz or silica from grains of sand. It is reported to have healing properties according to Alternative Medicine Practitioners.
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