Is iTeracare safe to use? Very safe! Watch this EMF radiation tester video.
1.Might feel cold & gassy (fart), while on therapy or afterwards.
Cold, sweaty hand, dry mouth, slight fever, hands, fingers, neck, stomach, knees, feet.
When using Terahertz theraphy treatment, it may discharge the unhealthy gasses. Usually start with the hands and palms, feet, and then start with torso and body. When using on body, move vertically. When affected area is painful, focus on that area.
2. There is a possibility of symptomatic slight pain, usually during treatment, if still tolerable just continue. Judge by your own tolerance.
3. Old symptoms will reappear from time to time. Just wand again to push it back.
4. Few hours after treatment, is it advised not to drink very cold beverages, no cold food like ice cream or the like, dont sit directly on air conditioner or electric fans. Dont shower for four (4) hours to further enhance the treatment's affect.
5. Treatment duration depends on the severity of sickness/condition/ pain.
Those with weaker body is recommended to use treatment for a shorter time than normal first time. Before and after treatment, please drink a cup of WARM charged Terahertz water. Only 4 hours after treatment, you can shower.
When the treatment is working, you will feel slight soreness, visible redness, blisters/crystals on treated area, these are ordinary symptoms if healing.
First time users might experience slight pain during Wanding session, itchiness, constipation, light fever, blisters like spots, depending on your body. These are healing effects. Go slowly. Skip for a day if intolerable but still drink Terahertz charged water.

Always do the Basic Protocol 1st before starting to Wand your Health concerns. It is better this way.

Fig 1. Basic Technique or Basic Protocol. 1st Step to Terahertz Therapy.
What is a Healing Crisis?
Why does a healing crisis occur?
A healing crisis is a temporary worsening of symptoms that arise as we go through the healing process. When this occurs, it is important to take extra gentle care of yourself. It can help to spend some quiet time with whatever you are feeling and see if you can support your body to release anything that is no longer serving you. Drink extra water, rest, and practice self-compassion. Remember that you can pace the healing process, but stay the course.
The tool itself is NOT the healer. It's just reactivating your own body to recalibrate itself all the way down to a cellular level. Folks who have been battling illness for decades didn't fell ill overnight so it also takes time for the body to encourage healthy new blood cells to multiply again which can take many weeks, even months, which can cause frustration, before benefits are noticed. Be Patient. Self-Care is a Priority now.
iTeracare Device Healing Response Description:
8. Blisters appeared - it means that due to dampness, the tendons and veins are blocked, and toxins cannot be discharged. This is a sign of effectiveness.
9. Felt Nothing, No feeling - it means that your body is cold and you need to keep on blowing.
10. Sweating - a manifestation of skin detoxification.
11. Red rash - a manifestation of skin detoxification.
12. Urinating too much - indicating that the kidneys and urinary system are not very good; for female, illustrating problems in gynecology.
13. Diarrhea - diarrhea frequently, and extremely smelly stools, it is the result of detoxification gas, indicating the problem with the gastrointestinal tract, pay attention to the occurrence of tumors.
14. Sore throat, toothache -indicating that the liver fire is flaming.
15. Fever - it means that the Yang/ Qi is insufficient. You can use the Teraherzt to beam in the main vessel and the bladder meridian, and the fever will soon disappear (Yang/Qi is the driving force of biological activities in the human body).
16. The original chronic diseases will repeat - it is a normal phenomenon of detoxification, don't worry.
17. Dizziness, Tinnitus - it means that there is stoppage of your Qi and blood, just continue blow and stick to it
18. The reaction moves around - This is a good reaction, which implies the smoothness of the meridians
19. Gynecological diseases - reflect gynecological problems according to the discharge, indicating that there is adjustment of your gynecological diseases and to reduce inflammation, which is a normal phenomenon
20. Expelling the cold shows that there is deficiency of "yang qi" in your body.
In conclusion, it is fine to insist on blowing although it may feel particularly uncomfortable.
Drink plenty of charged water.
Chronic diseases accumulate for a long time, therefore recuperation needs to take time too, and the effect is also different depending on the person's physique.

1. Felt Burning - it means there is "toxins" in the body. Urination during or after Wanding means toxins wants to come out.

2. Felt freezing - it means your body is very cold.

3. Felt Itchy - it means that your body is severely windy, hot blooded or has clog or blockages.

4. Felt a watery body - it means there’s water retention inside your body.

5. Felt Numbness - it means that your body lacks Qi (Energy)

6. Rheumatic Pain - it means poor blood circulation

7. Felt pain or it hurts - it means blockage of tendons, veins and blood vessels.

8. Blisters appeared - it means that due to dampness, the tendons and veins are blocked, and toxins cannot be discharged. This is a sign of effectiveness.

Trends in Biotechnology

How to Optimise Results with your Iteracare Device

1. This device can be used to Terahertz charge/re structure our drinking water. Holding the device on the side of a glass
container of water is the safest and preferred way of charging Terahertz onto your drinking water or glass container.
If unavoidable, Wand directly above the surface of the water for a recommended 5 minutes per gallon. Hold the Device back from the water far enough to avoid splashing if wanding from top.
Never charge water in
plastic or metal containers, if theres lack of glass containers, again Wand from above directly to the water at suitable distance. More information can be found online for the benefits of structured THZ water.
2. Charging your tea, natural fruit juices and water will help increase their
detoxifying effects and increase nutrients in the body. Never charge carbonated drinks.
3. Drink 2 glasses of warm charged water before and after each session. Those who can't drink the recommended amount at once, may drink some during the session, and more after the session.
4. For the first 3 uses, follow the steps for "Ten Point Basic Protocol" to slowly introduce the healyhy THz frequency to your body. This will help clear blockages in the body and open meridian points. Spend at least 10 minutes following the steps over the entire body. 1 minute for each point. This is important.
5. Next, focus on uncomfortable areas, or areas where you want to encourage stem cell reactivation and damaged cell removal. 15 to 20 minutes per painful area is recommended
6. It is not recommended to Wand on areas with hemorrhaging, open wounds, cuts, or burns. This may cause more pain and unwanted reactions
7. It is perfectly fine to continue taking your supplements and medicine while using the iTeraCare device. Once you see significant progress, you may want to consult your
healthcare practitioner for possible changes in taking the prescription.
8. A total of 15-30 minutes of use per day may be all that is needed for healthy individuals. Those with health
challenges should not use it more than 2 hours per day, whether in a single session or multiple sessions in total. It is
recommended that you take a break for 4 days every month, or 1 day per week during continuous use of this
device. This break is important so the body's cells respond to the frequency and work optimally.
9. If you experience a severe healing crisis, we recommend you cut back on the use of the device by up to 50%
of the usual time (for example, from 30 minutes down to 15 minutes), until you start feeling better. Consider
getting plenty of rest and drinking up to 4 quarts of charged water per day.
10. Once you achieve your health goal, minimize regular prolonged use of the device. Using it for 5-10 minutes
per day is perfect. Take a break every 7 days.
But, don't stop drinking lots of Terahertz charged water.
11. While the device can be used through clothes with great effect, direct application to bare skin will help to
maximize the iTeraCare warming effect in the body.
12. Enjoy the journey to wellness and optimal health! Never worry, and always be joyful since within you is the
power to heal yourself. Let this device help unlock that healing power!

#IteracareTestimony #Ailments #IteracareWand #Blow #Prife #Classic #Premium #Pro #Iteracare